On April 14-16, the V Russian First Aid Olympiad with international participation «Save and Protect» was held in Makhachkala. It attracted 21 teams from Russia and abroad. OSMU was represented by the «Siberian Help» team, including Valeriya PYANNIKOVA, Ilya PODCHEBUTOV, Alexander NOSKO, and Tatiana ZAKHAROVA.
The Olympiad included three stages: one theoretical (first aid quiz) and two practical ones (individual task and first aid for car accident provided by all members of the team).
«Every year tasks become more difficult. Unlike last year, the participant had to not only provide first aid to the victims of an accident, but also eliminate the danger in conditions of simulated explosion» - said Tatiana ZAKHAROVA, the participant of two «Save and Protect» Olympiads. She also mentioned an objective judging by the Jury.
The OSMU team under the leadership of Sergey V. CHERNENKO, head of the General Surgery Department, took 2nd place.
During three days, the participants gained tremendous experience, made new acquaintances, as well as exchanged knowledge with foreign colleagues. The First Aid Olympiad «Save and Protect» not only helps to gain and solidify knowledge, but it is also a form of international and intercultural communication.