From 2 to 5 April, 2019 in Saratov there was the 8th All-Russian Week of Science with the international participation devoted to 110th anniversary of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.
Razumovsky. OSMU was represented by the 4th and 5th year students of the Dentistry Faculty Kirill MOSHCHENSKY and Kirill KURYATNIKOV with the guidance of Andrey KORSHUNOV, Assistant Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery. Our students have got winners’ certificates in the competition of research papers.
On the 3d of April the IV Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Practical Biomechanics in Dentistry” devoted to the World Oral Health Day was held. 26 speakers made their reports, and Kirill MOSHCHENSKY has won the 3d place.
We congratulate OSMU students and their academic adviser on this victory!