The Unified Counselling Center for COVID-19 extension has been working in Omsk since March 30, 2020. Every day about 80 volunteers take the hotline calls from citizens of Omsk Region concerning various problems: from healthcare to social benefits and employee relations.
Among the volunteers there are health specialists and senior students of the Omsk State Medical University. One of the coordinators is Mariam DYUSENOVA, the 6th year student of the Preventive Medicine Faculty. She constantly interacts with hotline operators and helps them cope with various problems. She comments, “We take the phone calls from different groups of population, and we are supposed to have a way with every person and do our best to solve their problems. There are many questions that can’t be settled only by ourselves, so we consult the specialists from the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Labour, and the Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare.”
Olga MIGUNOVA, Head of the Department for Strategic Development in the Ministry of Public Health in Omsk Region, says, “In any situation we have to stay calm since we need to communicate with different people. All operators should be broad-minded specialists and psychologists in some way. I want to express a special gratitude to students-volunteers. They deal successfully with all their tasks.”
All questions concerning COVID-19 can be asked at the hotline phone number: