February 4th is World Cancer Day, and in 2019-2021 it takes place under the slogan «I am and I will!».
According to the statistics as Prof. Viktor K. KOSENOK, MD, PhD, Head of Oncology and Radiotherapy (Postgraduate Course) Department, explains in 2020 the incidence of cancer in the Omsk Region was 402.8 per 100 000 with almost half of the lethal outcome (190.7). Half of the cases were diagnosed at an early stage (48.6%), and a quarter of the cases were patients at a late stage.
Prof. Kosenok states that in recent years cancer is being diagnosed more often in younger patients because of a general increase in life expectancy and a significant improvement in the methods of its early diagnosis. Cancer is easier to prevent than to treat, which is why it should be diagnosed when a person has no pain or any other clinical manifestations of the disease. The development of national projects for 2019-2024 aimed at detecting stage I and II cancer has set the priorities for fast early diagnosis. Thereby, cancer was diagnosed at an early stage in 50-54% of cases. Ten years ago, stage I and II cancer was diagnosed in only 30% of patients.
According to Prof. Kosenok, the leading cause of cancer is convenience food containing dyes and preservatives, which affect the digestive system. The other leading causes of cancer are social factors (chronic stress and depression) and environmental risk factors like electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, which creates torsion fields affecting human health. There is also a genetic predisposition to cancer. If parents and other close older relatives died from the same type of cancer, then you need to control your health in this area and undergo medical examinations at least once a year, even if you have no symptoms.
The most difficult cancers to treat are those that develop in the liver and pancreas because they are located deep in the abdominal cavity and it is hard to reach them for examination. And the most common types of cancer are lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
Can the person himself fight the main causes of cancer? «Yes, he can! Considering that a person who has smoked for 40 years has a 90% risk of lung cancer and a 35% risk of other types of cancer, it is easier to quit smoking not waiting for bans at the state level» – says Prof. Kosenok.
The primary cancer prevention also includes a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, reduction of ultraviolet radiation exposure, physical activity, and treatment of all chronic diseases from gastritis to bronchitis.
The staff of the Oncology and Radiotherapy (Postgraduate Course) Department conducts successful research in the field of oncology: the use of ozone and ultrasound in surgical treatment and rehabilitation, improvement of surgical methods of treatment especially endoscopic ones, development of screening tests for cancer, and using of all methods of early diagnosis of cancer.
OSMU Press Center