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X National Scientific Conference with International Participation

On May 19 and 20, 2023, the X National Scientific Conference with International Participation «Burning Issues of Internal Diseases. Connective Tissue Dysplasia» and II Scientific Conference «Medicine of Siberia» were held. These scientific events were organized by OSMU, Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine IRSMSIM), and Russian Society for the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases.
The welcoming words were delivered by Anatoly I. MARTYNOV, MD, PhD, Academician of RAS, Professor of the Internal Medicine Department №1 of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, President of RSMSIM, and Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Rector of OSMU, Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department, Chief External Specialist in Internal Diseases of the Siberian Federal District. They outlined the importance of scientific and practical exchange of experience between scientists from different cities of Russia within the framework of conferences. The list of speakers is an evidence of deep respect and consolidation between researchers and practitioners and it gives hope that the conference program will be helpful and relevant for the audience, and will arouse great practical interest.
Four sections were held on the first day of «Burning Issues of Internal Diseases. Connective Tissue Dysplasia» Conference: «Topical issues of gastroenterology», «Metabolic disorders and diseases», « Cardiology in detail», and «Multimorbidity in clinical practice». The following OSMU representatives delivered their reports: Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Rector of OSMU, Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department, Chief External Specialist in Internal Diseases of the Siberian Federal District; Inna V. DRUK, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course); Galina I. NECHAEVA, MD, PhD, Honored OSMU Professor, Professor of the OSMU Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course), Chief External Specialist in General Medical Practice/Family Medicine of the Siberian Federal District, Chairperson of the Omsk Branch of the Russian Society of Cardiology; Elena A. LYALUKOVA, MD, PhD, Professor of the OSMU Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course); Alexander A. SEMENKIN, MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course); Olga V. GAUS, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department; Elena V. NADEY, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course) Department; Elena V. USACHEVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department; et al.
The highly topical program allowed listeners to get information about the trends in the development and treatment of various diseases: from the cardiological (strategy and tactics of prevention through reducing modifiable risk factors, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, general and particular issues of the treatment of hypertension, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias in the practice of the first contact physician) to the gastroenterological ones (modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the GI tract in general medical practice).
On the second day, the «Medicine of Siberia» Conference was held in online format, which allowed not only to gather scientists from different cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Donetsk), but also to to choose the most relevant session for each listener.
Two days of hard and intense work proved the relevance and significance of the discussed topics for representatives of the national healthcare, which allows for the conclusion that medicine is developing, introducing the latest developments, research, and technologies into practice.
OSMU Press Center