Home > Studies > Faculties > Dentistry > Departments > Psychiatry, Medical Psychology


Faculty of General Medicine, Faculty of Pediatrics:
Psychiatry, Medical Psychology
Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry:
Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine
Clinical Psyhology
Language: Russian
Postgraduate Education
Residency Programs
Psychiatry (specialty code 31.08.20)
Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine (specialty code 31.08.21)
Duration: 2 years
Language: Russian
Postgraduate Courses for Advanced Professional Training and Retraining
1. Psychiatry
Duration: 720 hours
2. Psychiatry
Duration: 432 hours
3. Psychotherapy
Duration: 576 hours
4. Psychiatry
Duration: 144 hours
5. Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine
Duration: 144 hours
6. Psychotherapy
Duration: 144 hours
7. Mental disorders in ICD-11
Duration: 144 hours
8. Treatment of Mental Disorders from the Standpoint of Russian Clinical Recommendations
Duration: 36 hours
9. Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Duration: 36 hours
10. Diagnosis and Treatment of Affective Disorders
Duration: 36 hours
11. Modern aspects of addiction to psychoactive substances
Duration: 36 hours
12. Methods of Neurolinguistic Programming in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorders
Duration: 36 hours
13. Psychopharmacotherapy
Duration: 36 hours
14. Body-oriented Methods of Psychotherapy
Duration: 36 hours
15. Modern Psychoactive Substances, Topical Issues of Therapy
Duration: 36 hours
16. Schizophrenia and Comorbid Disorders
Duration: 36 hours
17. Psychotherapy of Anxiety-Phobic Disorders
Duration: 36 hours
18. Clinical and Psychopathological Research
Duration: 36 hours
19. Endogenous Psychoses
Duration: 36 hours
20. Psychotherapy of Depression
Duration: 36 hours
21. Psychopharmacotherapy in Narcology
Duration: 36 hours
22. Borderline Personality Disorders
Duration: 36 hours
Language: Russian