Home > Studies > Faculties > General Medicine > Departments > Normal Physiology


Current trend in scientific research
1. Studying the electrophysiological and contractive characteristics, mechanisms of electrogenesis, electromechanical coupling, and contractions of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of internal organs and vessels. Studying the pharmacokinetic effects of physiologically active substances processes of pharmacomechanical coupling in SMCs. Determining the characteristics and mechanisms of SMCs activity in different periods of ontogenesis.
2. Studying of adaptation mechanisms of visceral systems under exercise load.
3. Psychophysiology of speech disorders in children.
4. Characteristics of free radical metabolism and blood oxygen binding system in cattle under different physiological conditions.
5. Interrelations between the immune and lipid-transport systems in thyroid dysfunction.
Students’ Scientific Society
Studying the functions of a human body in interrelations with the environmental factors.
Performing scientific reports, papers and presentations for students’ scientific conferences.
Supervisor: Senior Teacher Yanina S. MAKAROVA, PhD in Biology
Current topics:
1. Studying the vegetative functions in ontogenesis.
2. Studying the cognitive functions and vegetative status of a human being in different functional conditions.