Home > Studies > Faculties > General Medicine > Departments > Obstetrics and Gynecology №1


Current trends in scientific research:
Extragenital pathology in pregnant women due to the top position in maternal mortality.
PhD Program
Obstetrics and Gynecology (specialty code 14.01.01)
Education: full-time and part-time forms
Language: Russian
Students’ Scientific Society of the Department
Objective: Discussing of burning issues of obstetrics and gynecologymotivating students to be engaged into the scientific work; performing scientific reports, papers and presentations at a modern scientific level.
Supervisor: Eгgeny G. PRODANCHUK, MD, PhD
Current topics:
1. Modern approaches to the treatment of ischemic-cervical insufficiency, hormonal disorders, and the threat of premature birth.
2. Obstetric trauma.
3. Genital and opportunistic infections: epidemiological and immunological aspects, immunoactive pharmacotherapy and quality of life.
4. Modern clinical pharmacology in pregnant women and in labour.
5. Hyperplastic processes of the uterus.
6. Problems of hemostasis in obstetrics and gynecology.
7. Prevention of pregnancy losses and optimization of the tactics for labour management in women with impaired reproductive function, including women after ART, with preeclampsia and with a high risk of intrauterine infection.
8. Advances in prognosis and diagnosis in cervical pathology.