Previous trends:
1. Morphological and cytochemical features of adaptive and compensatory processes in motor cortex under extreme conditions (1994-1999).
2. Comparative analysis of the various motor system formations in vertebrates (1999-2005).
3. Comparative analysis of the CNS neuronal ensembles in vertebrates (2005-2010).
4. Population and taxonomic divergence of Palearctic freshwater mollusks by geometric morphometry.
Research directions: malacology, evolutionary biology, aquatic ecosystems, anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems, taxonomy and zoogeography of animals.
Current trends:
1. Morphological and cytochemical features of adaptive and compensatory processes in different formations of the motor analyzer.
2. Freshwater mollusks of Western Siberia and their role in parasite cenosis.
3. Functional morphology, ecology, and life cycles of parasitic protozoa.
Students’ Scientific Society
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tatiana Ya. ORLYANSKAYA, PhD in Biology