Home > Studies > Faculties > Pediatrics > Departments > Obstetrics and Gynecology №2


Current trends in scientific research:
1. Efficacy assessment of biospecific sorbents for treatment of diseases associated with the toxic substances accumulation.
2. Diagnosis and treatment of infiltrative forms of endometriosis.
3. Development of preventive measures, prognosis, treatment and diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis in extremely premature infants as a way to reduce infant mortality rate.
4. Prevention of adverse pregnancy and labor outcomes in women with hereditary coagulopathies.
5. Prevention and treatment of massive postpartum hemorrhage.
6. Arabin cervical pessary in women at high-risk of preterm birth (the study is conducted in cooperation with Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perugia Medical University, Italy.
PhD Program
Obstetrics and Gynecology (specialty code 14.01.01)
Education: full-time and part-time forms
Language: Russian
Students’ Scientific Society
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Oksana V. LAZAREVA, MD, PhD
Current topics:
1. Uterine myoma. Etiology, clinical features, treatment.
2. Endometriosis: why and how does it occur? Diagnostic opportunities.
3. Purulent-septic diseases in the postpartum period. New methods of treatment.
4. Efficacy of vitamin intake in pregnancy.
5. Hormonal contraception. Myths and reality. 
6. Endoscopy in gynecology and obstetrics.
7. Management of postpartum hemorrhage.
8. Pelvic pain. Causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment.