Home > Studies > Faculties > Pediatrics > Departments > Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences


Current trends: Modernization of Russian society and Russian State, philosophical anthropology and ontology, strategies for personal and professional development of doctors.
Students’ Scientific Society
Current trends of scientific work:
1. Section Philosophy "Hermeneutics Studies"
2. Section History "Discussions about History"
3. Section Psychology "Psychological Health: Medical Aspects"
4. Philosophy Assembly
5. History Assembly
6. Psychology Assembly
Section Philosophy "Hermeneutics Studies"
Supervisors: Senior Teacher Tatiana V. MIRONENKO and Assoc. Prof. Nina G. ZENETS
Current topics:
1. Hermeneutics of philosophical texts.
2. Problems of human existence in the modern world.
3. Philosophy and medicine.
Section History "Controversy about History"
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Tatiana A. BELOVA and Senior Teacher Alena L. BRITSKAYA
Current topics:
1. Modernization of Russian Society.
2. The role of a personality in history.
3. Features of Russian civilization.
Section Psychology "Psychological Health: Medical Aspects"
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Mikhail Yu. TROFIMOV, PhD in Philosophy and Maxim Yu. SMIRNOV, PhD in Philosophy