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16 GEoPD Annual Meeting and I Siberian Neurocongress - 2021

GEoPD is a global consortium of researchers dedicated to promoting education, scientific research and translational development in Parkinson’s disease. The consortium has been operating since 2004, and has an active membership from more than 60 sites on six continents. The GEoPD is organized into five cores.
These cores provide a mechanism whereby active global site investigators may share their expertise, resources and reagents. The consortium’s mission is to promote multi-investigator research projects throughout the year. Annual Meetings offer a valuable forum for consortium members to discuss unpublished data and ideas, highlight research questions or needs and identify global opportunities for partnership.
OSMU is one of the oldest and outstanding medical schools in Russia, providing the education process for pre-clinical and clinical students, implementing the postgraduate programs for residents and advanced professional training and re-training for clinicians. The research is the most essential part of work at the University and is carried out in accordance with the state-of-the-art trends in medicine and pharmacy.
In 2018, Omsk State Medical University became a member of the GeoPD Consortium and launched a joint project Systems Biomedicine of Parkinson’s Disease: comprehensive analysis of fundamental and applied aspects, where the clinical data of patients with Parkinson's disease were assessed.
Since 2005, the International Annual Meetings of GEoP has been held on the territory of the Consortium's member states. The purpose of such scientific events is to exchange ideas, promote interest among those involved in systemic biomedicine and in Parkinson's disease genetics.
The Annual Meetings involve the active participation of executive authorities in the field of healthcare, e.g. clinicians, researchers, graduate students, medical residents and medical students, who are interested in modern research and methods to the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
16th GEoPD Annual Meeting in conjunction with I Siberian Neurocongress – 2021
October 7-8, 2021, Omsk, Russia
Our great wish and hope to make such scientific event as a good annual tradition!